Friday, July 25, 2008

Speaking Fluency Part II

1) Be able to recognize features of formal and informal speech
2) Analyze a natural speech sample
3) Be confident in using features of natural speech including discourse markers & fillers to sound more like a native speaker
4) Be able to share a narrative in a fluent fashion by making use of natural speech features

Time: 120 minutes

Text for Activity 1 on handouts (one per student)
White board & markers
Speech Sample for Activity 3 on handouts (one per student)

Lesson Components

Warm Up (10 minutes)

Greet each student with a different slang greeting.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Hi. How's it goin'?

"Hey man. How're things?"

"Yo! What have you been up to?"

"Hello. What's up with you?" (pronounced "wichu")

Explain to students that we do not always say the same greeting when we meet each other. Some are more formal and others are more informal. Write the new slang expressions on the board and have students practice greeting each other.

Presentation 1: Features of Informal Spoken English (15 minutes)

Say, "When you speak fluently you are usually speaking in an informal situation. Due to this fact, it is important to be able to recognize and imitate features of informal spoken English such as the following:

Read Complete Lesson Details Here

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